Dirsearch is a powerful tool for directory and file enumeration on web servers. It helps professionals in penetration testing, security auditing, and web application assessments.
Before using Dirsearch, make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can install Dirsearch using the following command:
$ pip install dirsearch
Once Dirsearch is installed, open your command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory where Dirsearch is installed.
To start a basic directory scan, use the following command:
$ python3 -u
Dirsearch provides various options to customize your scan. Some commonly used options include:
: Specify extensions to search (e.g.,
-e php,html
: Use a custom wordlist for directory
brute-forcing (e.g., -w mywordlist.txt
: Exclude specific HTTP status
codes (e.g., --exclude-status 404,403
After the scan completes, Dirsearch will display the discovered directories and files. Analyze the results to identify potential vulnerabilities or sensitive information.
Dirsearch is a valuable tool for professionals in the field of web security. By following these steps and customizing your scans, you can effectively identify hidden directories and files that may pose a risk to web applications.